Once you’ve made your decision to include the Ahimsa Dairy Foundation in your will, this page will guide you through everything you need to know. Download a PDF version of this page for printing etc., here
How to make or update/your Will
A Will can ensure that your loved ones will be taken care of and that your wishes are carried out when you die. And remembering the Ahimsa Dairy Foundation in your Will means you help us pursue our mission to establish slaughter-free, sustainable dairy farms across Britain and beyond giving every household a real ethical alternative to conventional milk.
Normally there are the five steps you need to take to make or update your Will:
- Estimated value of your estate and make a list of people and/or organisations you’d like to leave money, property or possessions to.
- Appoint one or more (up to four) Executors to carry out the terms of your Will. This can be a relative, friend or legal adviser. It can even be us, in certain circumstances. Please phone us on 07723 354 527 if you would like to discuss appointing the Ahimsa Dairy Foundation as your Executor.
- Visit a legal adviser to draw up or update your Will. If you’re including a gift to the Ahimsa Dairy Foundation, please use our suggested wording below.
- Make a copy of your Will, and make sure someone you trust knows where your original Will is kept (your legal adviser will often store it for you free of charge, or you can use the Probate Registry).
- If you’d like to let us know your intention to gift the Ahimsa Dairy Foundation in your will, please call Sanjay Tanna on 07723 354 527 or email us at legacies@ahimsamilk.org, as knowing this will help us plan for the future.
Types of gifts in Wills
There are three main types of gifts you can leave to the Ahimsa Dairy Foundation in your Will. We suggest you speak to your legal adviser to help you make the decision that’s right for you. Every gift makes a difference to the animals who need us and we want you to leave the right gift for your circumstances.
A residuary gift
This is where you set aside a portion of all your remaining estate after funeral expenses, debts and other gifts in the Will have been paid. Many people choose to leave this kind of gift because it helps make sure their loved ones are taken care of first.
A pecuniary gift
This is a gift of a specified sum of money.
A specific gift
This is a gift of a specific, named item. For example, it could be property, a piece of jewellery, a work of art or a car.
Suggested wording for your gift
Here is the suggested wording you need in order to include the Ahimsa Dairy Foundation in your Will:
Unrestricted gifts
Many people choose to leave an unrestricted or general gift. It’s the most helpful because it allows us to use your gift wherever the need is greatest. You can leave an unrestricted gift, which can be either residuary or pecuniary, using the words below:
I give the sum of £ (or specify percentage of estate) to the Ahimsa Dairy Foundation of 2 Wall Hall Farm Cottages, Aldenham, Herts, WD25 8AS for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the honorary treasurer or other proper officer of the said Ahimsa Dairy Foundation for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.
Restricted gifts
You can also specify how or where you’d like your gift to be used by leaving a restricted gift. If you’d like to leave a restricted gift, please contact us to discuss the area of our work you’d specifically like to support. To leave a restricted gift, use the wording below:
I give the sum of £ (or specify percentage of estate) to the Ahimsa Dairy Foundation of 2 Wall Hall Farm Cottages, Aldenham, Herts, WD25 8AS for its general purpose and I express the wish but without creating any binding trust that this legacy be used in the (specify) areas and I declare that the receipt of the honorary treasurer or other proper officer of the said Ahimsa Dairy Foundation for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.
Thank you
If you’d like to know more, you can contact our Legacy Team using the following details:
07723 354 527