Swiss Dairy Crisis – Posted in: Uncategorized

Dairy farmers across Europe have been protesting against falling milk prices for months. The small-scale Alpine farms of Switzerland are among the producers hard hit by the dairy crisis. At a recent protest in the Swiss town of Fribourg, hundreds of tractors stopped traffic and angry dairy farmers swung cow bells and waved banners saying “ca suffit” (that’s enough). It is one of just many demonstrations which have taken place over the past months throughout…

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Let’s Stop Cow Factory Farms – Posted in: Uncategorized

If you haven’t already, now is the time to act to stop 8,000 cattle ‘mega-dairies’ being opened. These farms would make a big contribution to climate change and undermine more responsible, sustainable cattle farms in Lincolnshire and the rest of the UK. Keeping cows inside almost all year is cruel and there is evidence that cows kept in factory farms suffer as a result. Follow this link to the 38 Degrees web petition and sign…

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Bullsh*t – Posted in: Uncategorized

Cattle are animals with many life giving properties. Cows give milk, bulls work the land, and both give us manure and urine, which can be beneficial to human health and lifestyle in more ways than you might imagine.

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