Breaking – Cow factory farm relaunched – Posted in: Uncategorized

Breaking news! The companies behind the US-style cow factory farm have just relaunched their plans. Yesterday they came to London to hold a press conference and announced that they want to press ahead with the UK’s first mega-dairy. We know that the firms behind this project find it hard to ignore public pressure. Earlier this year we forced them to abandon their original plan. Then we got one of the three companies involved to pull out. This…

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A tale of two herds – The Guardian – Posted in: Uncategorized

What’s the future for dairy farming? Juliette Jowit reports on new plans for an enormous super-dairy, home to 8,000 cows. John Vidal, meanwhile, visits a tiny herd of 44 in Hertfordshire – all have names and are cherished from birth to death “Cows do not belong in fields,” said Peter Willes. And with those six words the dairy farmer ignited what could become the defining battle between the decades-old push for cheaper food and the…

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A slaughter-free Standard – Posted in: Uncategorized

Following on the successful opening of  New Gokul, the Krishna farm in Hertfordshire which produces milk free from any harm to cows and their offspring, the campaign for slaughter-free milk has now established  a new label to certify any milk produced to the highest welfare standards. When you see this label on any bottle of milk, you can be assured it is slaughter-free.

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Udder madness! Pampered cattle produce Britain’s most expensive pint of milk… at a staggering £1.70 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Milked only by hand to the sound of sacred mantras, these garland-wearing cows could be the most pampered in the UK. But they are producing the most expensive milk in the land, costing £1.70 per pint – nearly four times more than usual. The animals are being reared on a farm run by Hare Krishnas meaning, as per Hindu rules, that none must come to any harm. As a result, none will ever be slaughtered…

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