Special Relationships – Posted in: Cow Talk, General, Uncategorized

As I sit here with my laptop, I am surrounded by three dogs (two ancient) one Cavalier three years old and two rescued puppies, one newly adopted and one we are fostering until a new family can be found. I am working. The furry souls in various degrees of slumber are aware of this, and are simply keeping me company as I work. The relationship between man and beast has been well documented throughout history.…

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Small Choices, Big Changes. – Posted in: Cow Talk

Where does the word “Ahimsa” come from? Actually it comes from the ancient Sanskrit and means literally “non-violence.” Probably the worse violence one species can perpetuate onto another, would have to be “slaughter.” This is why, the most important place to begin, on the journey towards true Ahimsa milk, is to prevent the unnecessary slaughter of cows. We have our herd, safe and cared for and the milk distribution has begun in two areas of England, London…

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Emotional depths of a cow – Posted in: Cow Talk, News

News that cows have best friends comes as no surprise to those of us who have worked with them (what to speak of their mood swings!) Check out this article in the guardian:  “Cows have best friends” Who would think that beneath that calm exterior there is a boiling mass of emotions? I’m not talking about Wimbledon champions here, but cows. Yes, cows; those creatures that we eat, and take milk from, but rarely think…

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Cow Talk: Here Comes The Sun! – Posted in: Cow Talk

Free at last! I can run! I can jump! Blue sky! Ah! There’s nothing like that moment where they finally open the big gate and let us out in the field again! Winter is SO boring. All we do is sit around and eat. All the mums complain about their hooves getting crusty and putting on weight all the dads talk about how cold the weather is. We don’t even get very many visitors, and…

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