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What is the Price? – Posted in: Cow Talk, General

It’s not as if we planned to get this lost.        In Britain, during WW2 the nation collectively, dug up this green and pleasant land and planted crops to feed us. We needed to feed ourselves and become less reliant on global imports; and we Succeeded. Of course much of the applause should go to the beautifully fertitle, rich soil that lay beneath the grass and pasture. Generations of animals like sheep and cows had fed on this…

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Changing Others. – Posted in: Cow Talk, General

How we enjoy trying to change others! Strange how other people’s foibles appear so crystal clear to us and yet our own faults very often prove so difficult to comprehend! What’s that all about? In my experience the more we try to push change, to literally beat people over the head with our beliefs and ideas, the less we are heard. Even when it comes to raising our own children. Respect then and gentleness, play a…

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Collaboration. – Posted in: Cow Talk, General

“Collaboration.”  We don’t use this word very often today. We like words like director, team leader, manager and head.     We seem more familiar and perhaps comfortable working within a hierachial structure. Many of us like to be the driving force, the front runner, head of a project, the boss. We tell ourselves, we need to have the control, to lead, to get stuff done. We don’t admit we also like to have the final word and…

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Gaia-The Earthly Deity. – Posted in: Cow Talk, General, Uncategorized, Updates

Gaia is the Greek goddess who personified the earth. She is considered a Mother Goddess. Her name comes from two elements. “Ge” meaning “Earth” and “Aia” meaning “Grandmother.” This name was revived by author James Lovelock in 1979 in his book entitled: “Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth.” His hypothesis proposes that living organisms and inorganic material are part of a dynamic system that shapes the Earth’s biosphere and maintains the Earth as…

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