Factory Farming; hotbed of future contagions! – Posted in: Cow Talk, General, News, Press Releases, Uncategorized

       “Viral Storm: the dawn of a new Pandemic Age.”  written by Nathan Wolfe is a true wakeup call. Little do many of us realise that our modern way of living with it’s emphasis on factory farming, constant long-distance travel and over-used antibiotics, is creating a powder keg of destruction for our future. The new movie “Contagion” starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Winslett is actually loosely based on the research in Nathan’s book.  Modern life has certainly made us…

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If All Life is Sacred? – Posted in: Cow Talk, General

I know many ethical people who agree in principle that slaughtering animals is wrong. Killing them for food also “seems” morally wrong they’ll nod, as they wander into a fast food restaurant and begin chewing on chicken bones or eating ground cows in the form of a greasy burger? Could it be that they don’t equate the cooked “meat” they’re happily munching; with the terrified, screaming being, fighting hopelessly for it’s life that the “meat”…

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What is the Price? – Posted in: Cow Talk, General

It’s not as if we planned to get this lost.        In Britain, during WW2 the nation collectively, dug up this green and pleasant land and planted crops to feed us. We needed to feed ourselves and become less reliant on global imports; and we Succeeded. Of course much of the applause should go to the beautifully fertitle, rich soil that lay beneath the grass and pasture. Generations of animals like sheep and cows had fed on this…

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Changing Others. – Posted in: Cow Talk, General

How we enjoy trying to change others! Strange how other people’s foibles appear so crystal clear to us and yet our own faults very often prove so difficult to comprehend! What’s that all about? In my experience the more we try to push change, to literally beat people over the head with our beliefs and ideas, the less we are heard. Even when it comes to raising our own children. Respect then and gentleness, play a…

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